Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sassy Water from The Flat Belly Diet Cookbook

Just keepin' all things real here.  I am one of those up and down, thinner one day, wondering what the hell happened the next day dieters....  Recently I broke down and bought Prevention Magazine's Flat Belly Diet Cookbook. I know, the sound of that conjures up all sorts of gross pictures, doesn't it?  But for many of us, that's where the evidence of a multitude of sins lives. Am I right or what? The concept of this diet makes total sense, and the recipes sound wonderful, starting with this simple recipe for a rehydrating and delicious tasting water concoction.  Here's the recipe, thanks to Prevention Magazine. The only change I made was to use half of a cucumber, rather than a whole one as the recipe suggests, and a few less mint leaves. The end result is still a potent and delicious, summery tasting water.  I really need to look at that lemon cupcake recipe, though. That just doesn't look like diet food.

8 1/2 cups of water (2 liters)
Half a cucumber, peeled and sliced thin
1 lemon, sliced thin
1 tsp. freshly grated ginger root
8 mint leaves

Combine all the ingredients in a large pitcher and let the flavors blend overnight. Drink this throughout the day, and finish the pitcher by the end of each day. Sassy Water is a very important component of the first stages of the Flat Belly Diet. You don't have to keep drinking it, but it is surprisingly delicious and refreshing, it's a great way to stay hydrated, and it's catching on in my household!Here are a few tips to keep in mind about the water. Make a new batch of it every day.  Do not substitute dried mint or powdered ginger. You've got to use the real thing. You can strain the ingredients, or pour them into your glass along with the water. They look pretty, like a cocktail... ;-)

I am going to try some of the recipes from this book, and if you are interested in knowing more about it, let me know. It's all about MUFAs!! What is that?? Monounsaturated Fatty Acids.  Eat them, they're good for you!