Saturday, September 12, 2009

Yummy Pictures From The Book "Singingirl Cooks"

I've been experimenting today. I wanted to see if I could put into one post a collection of pictures of some of the dishes from my cookbook, "Singingirl Cooks". I think I succeeded. This is so exciting. I'm mildly technically challenged with the computer. But this is as close as I've come to doing something amazing.... well, besides cooking all these amazing looking dishes. So many of you already have the book. Wait, did I hear you say you don't have a copy yet? Doesn't this stuff look great, like something you could make, like something you want to make? Leave me a comment and let me know if you're interested, and I'll tell you more about it and how you can have a copy for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how wonderful all those dishes look. They must taste fantastic too. Some of them are in your cookbook I bought from your site aren't they Beth? I love that cookbook and use it constantly. The recipes are easy, appetizing and even I can do them. Keep um coming. Arlene


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